Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Speed up Your Slow Android Mobile Phone, Make it Run Faster


mobile hacks and trics
mobile hacks and trics

Now-a-days everyone has a smartphone and there are so many mobile phone brands to choose from. You can get a touch-screen mobile phone in every budget whether it's a low-end mobile phone, high-end premium phone or a mid-range phone.

If you purchase a premium mobile phone such as Samsung Galaxy S series phone, Apple's iPhone or Google Pixel, you'll get super fast performance and your phone will never slow down.
But if you buy a low or mid-range mobile phone, you may face performance issues. Your phone may slow down and lag with time as everyone keeps installing several apps and stores lots of audio/video files on the mobile phone.

Cheaper mobile phones come with less RAM and less powerful processor, that's why you don't get the same super fast experience on those phones which you feel on premium mobile phones.
Today in this article, we are going to share a small tip which can speed up your slow mobile phone and can make your phone run faster. This trick will work on all Google Android mobile phones.

In this trick, we'll take help of the hidden secret "Developer Options" feature which is present in all Android mobile phones but comes hidden by default.

Developer Options menu is a hidden secret menu which can be added to Settings page in all Android mobile phones and can be used to tweak mobile phone functionality. It has been developed for advanced users and tech experts, that's why it's hidden by default.

Developer Options menu provides an option to disable or reduce various animations in any Android mobile phone to speed up the phone and make it super fast.

Actually all mobile phones use animations and eye candy effects whenever a user navigates through menus, pages and apps. For example, if you swipe up/down to show notification bar, status bar, you can see some animation happening. Same thing happens when you open app drawer, you'll notice some animation effect.

If you disable these unnecessary animations or reduce their time duration, you'll definitely notice some boost in your mobile phone performance as everything will open faster without wasting time in showing animation effects. It'll also help in saving RAM and processor power which is wasted in showing animations.

If you also want to speed up your slow mobile phone and want to make it super fast, following steps will help you:

1. Open Settings in your Android mobile phone.

2. Now you need to open About Phone option. In all Android mobile phones, you'll get this option at the bottom of the Settings page.


In some Chinese brand mobile phones, the option is moved inside other menus. You'll need to find it yourself. You can search for it using the search bar present at the top of Settings page.

3. Once you open About Phone menu, you need to find "Build Number" option. In some phones, you'll see it directly on About Phone screen. In some phones, it might be present under "Software Information" option.


4. Once you find Build Number option, start taping on it. As soon as you tap the option 3 times, your phone will show a message "You are now 4 steps away from being a developer".

After tapping the "Build Number" option 7 times, you'll get a message "Developer mode has been enabled" and the "Developer Options" menu will be automatically activated and enabled in Settings page.

5. Now go back to main Settings page and you'll see the new "Developer Options" menu present at the bottom of the screen.


Again in some Chinese mobile phones, it might be available in some other location. You can search for it using search bar.

6. Open "Developer Options" menu and you'll see several options inside it. Scroll down and look for following options:

  • Window animation scale
  • Transition animation scale
  • Animator duration scale


All above mentioned options are set to 1x by default which means all kind of animations and effects are enabled.

7. Tap on all 3 options one by one and set them to 0.5x to reduce animation effect.

If you don't want to see any animation effect while navigating through apps, menus, screens, etc, you can set these options to "Animation if off".


That's it. Now try to swipe up/down to show notification bar, launch app drawer, recent apps screen, etc and you'll immediately notice that things are happening faster now.
Enjoy your faster mobile phone.
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About Adam stiffman
Soratemplates is a blogger resources site is a provider of high quality blogger template with premium looking layout and robust design


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